Doctor Bird Transportation
Alternative Student Transportation
AST is typically provided to students with special transportation needs and need specialized assistance to get to and from school. Service Providers will be specially equipped to transport riders in wheelchairs, or with other special needs.
AST services are most often booked through transportation management companies who coordinate and schedule the trip with transportation Service Providers within established networks.
AST is becoming more of an essential service in school districts across the USA as many thousands of students have become homeless, in foster care or have special needs and rely on this service each week. Without AST, many students would not have the opportunity

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Why Choose Us
Every attendant driver touches the lives of our student passengers and families in our care while transporting them from point A to point B. All those we serve both internally and externally, are treated with kindness and compassion, striving to better understand and respond to the needs of a diverse student passenger community.

Safety & Caring
We believe that maintaining the highest safety standards is critical to delivering high-quality transportation services…

Excellence & Integrity
We have many trips available throughout Tampa Bay in Pasco, Hillsborough or Pinellas Counties.